Order: Hymenoptera
- Varies tremendously depending on species.
- Wings: Most have two pair of wings and a pinched waist.
- Color: They range in colors from black to metallic greens and blues
- Size: vary in size from almost microscopic to several centimeters long.
Wasps Species
- Eastern Cicada Killer Wasp
- European Paper Wasp
- Great Black Wasp
- Ground Wasps
- Mud Dauber Wasps
- Paper Wasps
- Red Wasps
- Sawflies
- Spider Wasp
- Types of Wasps
- Wood Wasps
Behavior, Diet & Habits
Wasp species are categorized as social or solitary. As their name implies, social wasps live in colonies, which may number in the thousands. Within these colonies, female workers perform all duties within the nest. Solitary wasps live alone and therefore do not have a colony. They do lay eggs, but their eggs are left alone to hatch.
Some wasps are predatory, while others are parasitic. Predatory wasps kill and consume other insects as well as other animals which they often feed to their larvae.
Parasitic wasps typically lay their eggs in the bodies of living creatures like caterpillars or spiders. The larvae feed on the still-living host. Wasps can assist in the management of other pests, particularly in agriculture as biological control agents. Many wasps also feed on nectar from flowers and therefore function as pollinators.
Some wasps are aggressive species and can sting when threatened. Unlike honey bees, wasps often are capable of stinging multiple times.
Signs of a Wasp Infestation
Signs are dependent on species, but most often the workers and the nest are the most likely signs. Wasps can come inside the home because they are looking for:
- Food source
- Nesting site
- Protected place to overwinter (hibernate)
- Accident or happenstance
How Serious Are Wasps?
Wasps near the home can ruin outdoor activities and make yardwork difficult. While they rarely go out of their way to sting, wasps may become hostile if threatened or disturbed. Their stings are painful but typically nonthreatening to those without allergies to the wasp’s venom.
How To Get Rid of Wasps?
When it comes to getting rid of wasps, we strongly recommend you to contact a pest control professional if you have an infestation. Attempting to remove a wasp hive by yourself can be dangerous, especially if you or someone in your family is allergic to its harmful stings.